Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.
Make one of your operation buttons be “generate a random number between 0 and 1”. This operation button is not a constant (since it changes each time you invoke it). Nor is it a unary operation (since it does not operate on anything).
In the interface builder change the name of a button to “rand”:
Add an operation without operands to the the calculator model:
private enum Operation { ... case NullaryOperation(() -> Double, String) ... }
The “random” operation returns the function generating the random number as well as a string for its description:
private var operations: Dictionary<String,Operation> = [ ... "rand" : Operation.NullaryOperation(drand48, "rand()") ]
… which are used to calculate the result and the description:
func performOperation(symbol: String) { ... case .NullaryOperation(let function, let descriptionValue): accumulator = function() descriptionAccumulator = descriptionValue ... }
The complete code for the extra task #4 is available on GitHub.

Hi Martin,
Thanks a lot for putting these answers together! I was really stuck on the last part of assignment #1.
Will you be adding any more assignment answers for 2016?
probably during the Christmas holidays …