Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.
Keep track of the most recent 100 Twitter searches the user has performed in your application. Add a UITabBarController to your application with a tab for searching (i.e. your main UI) and a second tab showing these most recent search terms in a table view (uniqued with most recent first). When a user clicks on a search term in the second tab, segue (stay in that same tab) to show the most recent Tweets matching that search term. Store these most recent searches permanently in NSUserDefaults so that your application doesn’t forget them if it is restarted.
Embed the current initial view controller (which should be your navigation view controller) in a tab view controller. Add a new table view controller and embed it in a navigation view controller. Add this new navigation view controller to the tab view controller, and choose nice icons for the two new tabs of the tab view controller. Create a new class for the new table view controller and segue from its cell to the twitter table view controller. Don’t forget to provide sensible names for the cell and the segue identifiers:
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