Lecture #14: Core Data Demo

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture fourteen is named “14. Core Data Demo (November 10, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

The theoretical part of this lecture is quite short providing an overview about Core Data thread safety and its usability for table views.

NSManagedObjectContext is not thread safe, thus it can only be accessed in the thread that created it. Because access is usually very fast, using the main thread is mostly file. Another approach is to use
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Lecture #13: Core Data

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture thirteen is named “13. Core Data (November 8, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

This lecture covers Core Data and Documents, NSNotificationCenter and Objective-C Categories.

Core Data in object-oriented API to store data in a database based usually on SQL. Once a visual data mapping is created between database and objects, objects are created and queried using an object-oriented API. The columns in the database table are accessed vie @properties.
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Lecture #12: Persistence

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture twelve is named “12. Persistence (November 3, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

The first part of this lecture is designated to guidelines of the final project of the course and because it is targeted at campus students has been omitted from the iTunes stream.

The second part is devoted to persistence – the ways to save data between launchings of an application.
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Lecture #11: Core Location and MapKit

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture eleven is named “11. Core Location and MapKit (November 1, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

The theoretical part starts with an introduction to Core Location and MapKit.

CoreLocation is a framework managing location and heading and has no user interface. Its basic object is CLLocation and contains properties like coordinate, altitude, horizontal/verticalAccuracy, timestamp, speed, course.
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Lecture #10: Blocks and Multithreading

Assignment #4 Task #2 requires to sort an array alphabetically. This can be implemented best using blocks which are explained in lecture ten in detail. Thus it is recommend to study this lecture before continuing with assignment #4.

Lecture ten is named “10. Blocks and Multithreading (October 27, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

The theoretical part of this lecture provides a short overview about UITabBarControllers and UINavigationItems as well as a detailed introduction to blocks and threading.
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Lecture #9: Table Views

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture nine is named “9. Table Views (October 25, 2011)” and can be found at iTunes. Its slides are available at Stanford.

The theoretical part starts with table views which allow to display static or dynamic lists of data in different styles. A table consists of a header, a footer and table cells possible divided in sections (also with a header and a footer). A cell can be of type subtitle, basic, right and left detail, as well as completely customized.
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Friday Session #4: Introduction to AVFoundation

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

This weeks Friday session addresses the AV Foundation Framework. It can be found on iTunes titled “Introduction to AVFoundation (October 21, 2011)”.

In this lecture Salik Syed gives an overview on how the Objective-C interface can be used to access audio-visual media under iOS. After an high level discussion on the API he shows in a demo how to manipulate a video from the camera of an iPhone in real time.
Continue reading “Friday Session #4: Introduction to AVFoundation”
