Am Land – Reading Book available on the App Store

Waiting for the new cs193p season to start, we released a new App:

Am Land, the new German reading-book app is now available on the App Store.

AmLand - Icon

The reading-book app follows Lia and Tom on their exciting adventures. You read, see and hear what they experience.


The book corresponds to reading stage one. Only letters are used, children learn during the first half of the first grade. The syllable method teaches playfully the rhythm of the language and provides an easier access to writing. Orthography is not learned phenomenologically (single spellings of words), but systematically (rules of written words). The constant repetition of words increases the learning and recognition process, which is essential for fluent reading.


Children learn early on how to deal with a wide range of media. As a result the actual process of learning to read moves increasingly into the background. Often a lack of motivation to read longer texts follows insufficient excitement to read.

The target group for these reading learning books are beginning readers and first graders. The texts in the books are short, clearly structured and divided into reading levels. The levels build on each other. The difficulty increases systematically.

The identification with the characters and the lovely illustrations increase the motivation to strengthen reading skills playfully and actively deal with the content of the texts. Thus the individual and independent interest in reading and reliable writing is encouraged.


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