cs193p – Season – Fall 2013-14

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Stanfords course cs193p has started its Fall session. The videos of the lectures are available via iTunes. Sample code and slides are (or should be) available directly at Stanford. A collaboration on Piazza is missing for the moment …

The course material from previous seasons is still available:

Winter 2013
videos downloads

Summer 2012 / Fall 2011
videos downloads

Fall 2010
videos downloads


iOS 7 & Xcode 5

It’s September 18th, iOS 7 should hit the update servers any minute, as well as Xcode 5.

iOS 7 brings a lot of changes, what does that mean for your app?

As app developer you have definitely will have downloaded at least one of the preview versions of Xcode 5 and starting one of your apps entered panic mode immediately. When you actually were able to build against iOS 7, your app will have looked quite differently from what it used to.

Does that mean you have to update your code and publish an update together with the release of iOS 7?

Nope, it just means when you are going to submit an update of your app which is built for iOS 7, you will most likely need to update your layout and tweak your code. As long as you do not plan update, you do not need to worry, your app will look and function as before.

To be sure update your test devices to iOS 7 and run your previously build app (e.g. the version which is currently in the app store).

What needs to be updated for iOS 7?

The iOS Dev center hold an excellent guide on what to do. Read it, follow it, voila.

You might want to consider using different storyboards for your iOS …

… but after all don’t panic!

Note, the eaGeier works perfectly with iOS 7 devices – so I hope none of the users finds out otherwise 😉


cs193p – Lecture #18 – UIImagePickerController, Core Motion, and Localization

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #18 starts by explaining how to add camera functionality (including a short demo), core motion (with demo) and localization (no demo due to lack of time).

The code of the demo is available at Stanford and on github.

Slides are available on iTunes …..

The lecture is available at iTunes and is named “18. UIImagePickerController, Core Motion, and Localization (March 7, 2013)”.


cs193p – Lecture #17 – View Animation, NSTimer, Alerts and Action Sheets

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #17 starts with an introduction to view animations followed by a short demonstration. After an overview about timers they are incorporated in the demo, and finally alerts and action sheets – also put into the demonstration but not completely due to lack of time.

The code of the demo is available at Stanford and on github.

Slides are available on iTunes …..

The lecture is available at iTunes and is named “17. View Animation, NSTimer, Alerts and Action Sheets (March 5, 2013)”.


cs193p – Lecture #16 – Segues and Text Fields

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #16 continues with the demo from the previous lecture, followed by an thorough introduction to modal and embed segues and text fields as well as another demo.

The code of the demos are available at Stanford and on github (photomania, kitchensink).

Slides are available on iTunes …..

The lecture is available at iTunes and is named “16. Segues and Text Fields”.


cs193p – Lecture #15 – Core Location and MapKit

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #15 provides an introduction to core location and MapKit followed by a short (not complete) demo.

The code of the (complete) demo is available at Stanford and on github.

Slides are available on iTunes …..

The lecture is available at iTunes and is named “15. Core Location and MapKit”.


cs193p – Assignment #6 Extra Task #4

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Make one or more of your table views searchable. Check out UISearchDisplayController and UISearchBar.

Add a bar button to enable the search functionality in code and initialize it lazily:

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *searchButton;
- (UIBarButtonItem *)searchButton
    if (!_searchButton) {
        _searchButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemSearch
    return _searchButton;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.searchButton;

Continue reading “cs193p – Assignment #6 Extra Task #4”
