Assignment #4 Task #3

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Anywhere a place appears in a table view in your application, the most detailed part of the location (e.g. the city name) should be the title of the table view’s cell and the rest of the name of the location (e.g. state, province, country, etc.) should appear as the subtitle of the table view cell.

The task hints that we will have to use this functionality somewhere else, too. Thus we create two helper functions for the title and the subtitle of the table cells. For both functions we look for the place identifier and cut it into pieces. For the title we take the first piece. For the subtitle we create a new array only using the other pieces and paste them together again:
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Assignment #4 Task #2

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Create a UITabBarController-based user-interface with two tabs. The first shows a UITableView with the list of places (in alphabetical order) obtained in Required Task #1. The second shows a UITableView with a list of the 20 most recently viewed photos.

Go to the iPhone storyboard, remove the existing view controller and add a tab bar controller. Remove the two new view controllers by replacing them with table view controllers and wire them up using relationship segues. Set the identifier of the tab bar item of the first controller to “Top Rated”, the second one to “Recents”. Change the style of the table cells to “Subtitle” and set the identifier of the cell of the first controller to “Top Places Cell” and of the second one to “Recent Photos Cell”
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Assignment #4 Task #1

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

The forth assignment creates a new application that presents a list of popular Flickr photo spots – a tab-based application to let users browse the most popular places on Flickr and watch photos taken there.

Use the provided FlickrFetcher class method topPlaces to get an array of the most popular Flickr photo spots in the last day or so. It is an array of NSDictionarys which contain information about each place.

Start by creating a new universal app: File -> New -> Project… -> Single View Application
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