cs193p – Lecture #13 Application Lifecycle and Core Motion

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.


Notifications provide a way to react to asynchronous events. e.g.:


func addObserverForName(String, // name of the "radio station"
    object: AnyObject?, // broadcaster (or nil for "anyone")
    queue: NSOperationQueue?) // queue to execute the closure on 
    { (notification: NSNotification) -> Void in
        let info: [NSObject:AnyObject]? = notification.userInfo // notification-specific information

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cs193p – Lecture #18 – Localization, Adding UI to Settings

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #18 – the final lecture of fall 2013/14 – covers localizations (internationalizations) and settings with demos for both …

cs193p - Lecture 18 - Localization - Settings
cs193p – Lecture 18 – Localization – Settings

The code for this lecture is available at github for Photomania and for Bouncer as well as from Stanford

The lecture as well as its slides are available via iTunes called “18. Localization, Adding UI to Settings”.


cs193p – Lecture #17 – Camera, Core Motion, Application Lifecycle

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #17 starts continuing the demo from the previous lecture (cleaning up code and location error handling).

A short introduction about how to use camera and the image-picker controller is followed by a short demo adding camera functionality to Photomania.

Core Motion theory is followed by another demo … including application states …

The code for this lecture is available at github for Photomania and for Bouncer as well as from Stanford

The lecture as well as its slides are available via iTunes called “17. Camera, Core Motion, Application Lifecycle”.
