cs193p – Lecture #14 – UIApplication, Network Activity Indicator, and Maps

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #14 starts with a follow up of the previous demo explaining parts of the code which had been posted differently.

The demo of this lecture continues with core data and pop overs.

The end of the lecture builds an introduction to core location including – new for iOS 7 – region-based monitoring and beacons.

The code for this lecture is available at gitub as well as from Stanford

The lecture as well as its slides are available via iTunes called “14. UIApplication, Network Activity Indicator, and Maps”.


cs193p – Lecture #13 – Core Data and Table View

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Lecture #13 starts with an explanation of the “Final Project” which should only be interesting for Stanford students.

Then a short introduction to core-data table view controllers is followed by a detailed one-hour demonstration.

The code for this lecture is available at gitub (including changes added after the class) as well as from Stanford

The lecture as well as its slides are available via iTunes called “13. Core Data and Table View”.


cs193p – Assignment #5 Task #11

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

The list of recent photos should be saved in NSUserDefaults (i.e. it should be persistent across launchings of your application). Conveniently, the arrays you get back from the FlickrFetcher URLs are all property lists (once converted from JSON).

Create a new public instance method for the Flickr helper class to return the ID of the photo (again, it is not really complicated to get the ID but let’s keep everything Flickr related encapsulated inside the helper class):

+ (NSString *)IDforPhoto:(NSDictionary *)photo
    return [photo valueForKeyPath:FLICKR_PHOTO_ID];

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cs193p – Assignment #5 Task #10

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Your application must work in both portrait and landscape orientations on both the iPhone and the iPad. Use appropriate platform-specific UI idioms (e.g. don’t let your iPad version look like a gigantic iPhone screen).

Remove everything from the iPad storyboard. Add a new split view controller, but remove all of the controllers but the split view controller itself. Go to the iPhone storyboard. Copy everything and paste it to the iPad story board. Remove both segues to the image view controller. Make the tab-bar view controller the master of the split view controller. Embed the image view controller inside a navigation view controller and make this one the detail view of the split view controller. Finally disable the animation of the activity indicator of the split view:

cs193p – assignment #5 task #10 - iPad storyboard
cs193p – assignment #5 task #10 – iPad storyboard

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cs193p – Assignment #5 Task #9

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Your application’s main thread should never be blocked (e.g. Flickr fetches must happen in a different thread). If your application is waiting for something over the network, it should give feedback to the user that that is happening.

… we took already care of that, too …


cs193p – Assignment #5 Task #8

Please note, this blog entry is from a previous course. You might want to check out the current one.

Whenever a photo’s image appears on screen, it should automatically zoom to show as much of the photo as possible with no extra, unused space. Once the user zooms in or out on a photo by pinching, though, you can stop auto-zooming that image.

Instead of setting the zoom scale to a constant value, it needs to be calculated. The scale to fit an image horizontally is calculated by dividing the bounds width of the scroll view by the width of the image. The same would have been true for the vertical scale, using the heights of those values, if the scroll view did not extend over the tab bar, the navigation bar and the status bar. Their heights need to be used to adjust the calculation for the vertical scale. Just set the the zoom scale of the scroll view to the higher of those two calculated scales:
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